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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oops! I did it Again!

This is not chocolate people!! Arrrgh, Skye took her diaper off, again. Come on, you're 11 months old. I expected this when she is like 2. It is mainly our fault because we put her down for a nap in her shirt and diaper. Reason being-- I like her to wear jeans because I think they are super cute, but I won't make her sleep in them. Hello!! So Uncomfortable! Anyway, this picture is so disgusting, so I decided to share with all my peeps because I love you. ;) I know, I'm such a great friend. Now, have a GREAT day! ;)

6 holla backs:

Kasey said...

Babies don't care if they sleep in jeans. You're the weird one sister!

Kasey said...

She really is a poo poo head! Ha!

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

HAHAHAHA that is so gross!

The Garlock's said...

Should have learned the first time of not putting her down without any bottoms on, lol, but yeah thats disgusting!

Debbie said...


Pallets and Pearls said...

EW!! Poor Skye, and poor you for having to clean it up! I think I would throw up.. put little sweats on her while she sleeps then. lol