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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bye Bye!

A few days ago Skye has learned to shake her head whenever I tell her "no" because that's what I do when I tell her no, I shake my head. So, now when I say it she looks at me and shakes her head. It is so stinkin cute. Anyway, I tried to get her to do it but she was not cooperating but I did get her to kind of say bye bye and wave bye bye. She learned this like last week! These new tricks have been the highlight of my day. Oh, the excitement of being a mom!

2 holla backs:

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

So cute! I love that age where they are learning new things! She looks like such a smart little girl!!

Pallets and Pearls said...

She is so cute! Hallie waves that exact same way, like she is waving to herself it's so funny.. She shakes her head no too, it's so funny, but then I kinda feel bad, do I really tell her "no" that much that she picked up on it..?? lol