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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yum! Yum!

"Mom and Dad finally got me a highchair so I can eat yummy rice cereal for
the first time."

"Okay, what is that mom is trying to shove into my face?"
"My parents are ganging up on me!"

"I don't know about this guys! Where's my bottle?"

"Hopefully I'll get use to this!!"

8 holla backs:

Kasey said...

So cute! Love her new high chair. Don't worry. She'll get it...if she loves food as much as Kylee did!

Debbie said...

Come see Grandma, Skye---I will give you a bottba and not make you eat that yucky stuff---Your parents are mean----

Adrianne said...

Hey guys I am glad I found your bog. She is so cute. I have to say Shawna, she reminds me of Jared when he was a baby, but much more beautiful, no offense Jared.

Anonymous said...

Cute high chair! And hopefully she likes it- but I am sure it is really weird to them at first! And I love the pic of her sleeping sucking her thumb- I think thumb suckers are so cute. I am just not excited to break the habit! haha. So cute.

Heidi said...

fun times! super cute high chair

Cajsa said...

She is adorable! Her big cheese smile is the CuTeSt! I love the first reaction to rice milk and real food hey are the best! And I LOVE that high chair!

The White Way said...

Okay Shawna what can I say she is a doll. I love your blog it is fun seeing Skye so Happy!! I think she might be starting to like me, you need to come over more!!

Pallets and Pearls said...

Haha, her face is so funny, I don't think she liked it at all. :) Dont worry Hallie loved it like 2 days later. She looks so cute sucking her thumb :)