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Thursday, August 21, 2008

It was destined to happen.....

Yes, my child is a thumb sucker!! She couldn't hide from it because Jared was a thumb sucker and I was definitly a thumb sucker. Jared said he did until he was about 8, and I did until I was about 9. I actually had to get a retainer cemented in my mouth to stop me from sucking my thumb because I also pulled out my hair. Some kids hold blankets while sucking their thumbs, others hold stuffed animals. I went a totally different route and decided to pull out my hair while sucking my thumb. Skye can suck her thumb all she wants, but if she starts pulling her hair out I'm going to put a stop to it real quick!! But for now, since she has like NO hair I don't have to worry about it. Don't you just love her?? She is my happy girl---I love it!!!

4 holla backs:

Debbie said...

Put the retainer in now----oh the horror!!

The Garlock's said...

that's to funny, but hey whatever works to make her happy, as long as she doesn't pull her hair out!

Kasey said...

She want to be like her cousin Kylee. Give her that little silky giraffe head to hold. Then her hands won't find her hair!

Cajsa said...

She is too cute! I would rather a baby suck their thumbs then what riley does!! She gets her bottom lip that you cant really take away from her! Lucky you! haha!