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Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's Up With Skye!!!!

I just wanted to give an update on my baby girl---- Skye is 4 1/2 months old, weighs 14 lbs, is 25 in. long, she drinks about 6 ounces of formula every 4 hrs, she goes to bed at 8:30 p.m and sleeps till about 6 sometimes 7 am, she usually stays up every 1 hr 45 min then needs a nap throughout the day, she's just starting to roll from her stomach to back, she loves to smile, makes lots of sounds, her new thing is GrOwLiNg--yes my baby growls at me-it's so funny, she loves chewing on her toy that is in the bottom picture/I dont really know what it's called, and lastly she just discovered seriously like only yesterday that she can grab her feet!!! Skye is getting so big and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm so grateful that my husband works so hard so I can stay at home and watch her grow up.

"Look what I can do!"

This is her favorite toy. Look at her concentration.
She always has a death grip on that thing!

6 holla backs:

Pallets and Pearls said...

Hey Hallie has that same play mat thing...and we have the same swing..crazy! Skye sounds like she is doing good. Hallie is 25 inches too, but she weighs 15 lbs... She's my little chunky monkey :) haha


With that concentration, and the obvious Nike endorsement, She is bound for greatness. I don't know who is cuter, you or her.

Kasey said...

Wait till she eats her feet. Yummy!

Debbie said...

More like her mama everyday ♥♥♥

Shawnda and Nathan Mills said...

Hey shawna!
i don't have your phone number but i am going through the temple on thursday at 6:30 pm and i want you to come if you can! I know it will be hard to leave your stinking ADORABLE baby but if you can you should come! p.s. sky is the cutest thing!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love when they grab their feet- it is now a game to Jaxon when we say to eat his feet he does it so this phase has lasted a long time for him! haha. She is a doll!