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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cousins R the Funnest!!

My sister Kasey does preschool every Mon. and Wed. and me and Skye come and help her. Skye loves it when her cousins Todd and Kylee play with her even though she pulls Kylee's hair when she gets to close! Ha--sorry Kylee! So THANKYOU Kasey for getting me out of the house and being the best Auntie to Skye!!

Skye looks more like a sister than a cousin!

"Squishy Face"

"Girly girls!"

Todd and Kylee can't wait until Skye can run and play with them.

Thanks Aunt Kasey for letting me come and play!!

1 holla backs:

Kasey said...

I love her and can't wait till she comes and plays tomorrow!