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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sunny California--LOVE IT!!

I've been known as being spontaneous and impulsive throughout my life. It's like I get these random ideas in my head and I act on them that very second. Kind of like this last weekend. It was friday around noon and I was sitting on the couch watching T.V when I got this awesome idea to go to California. So I got onto the computer and found a hotel, booked it, and then started packing. Jared didn't even know we were going, so he basically came home from work to luggage waiting for him to put in the car. He got home around 3, put the bags in the car, changed his clothes and then we were off to San Diego around 3:30. Sometimes my spontaneous ideas work out sometimes they don't, but this idea was a success. So me, Jared, and Skye spent a great weekend in San Diego where we layed out, went swimming, and shopped. Jared wants to live in San Diego but I personally rather have a beachhouse that I can go to during the summers but still come back to MeSa--what can I say I love AZ!! Here are some pix--enjoy!

Skye working on her tan

Laying out by the pool with really bright sun

Jared and Skye chillaxing

Me and Skye at the Bay

6 holla backs:

Pallets and Pearls said...

Wow I'm jealous. How fun! I love San Diego too. Skye is so cute. She looks bigger every post, they grow up too fast. She's adorable. :)

Kasey said...

So fun! But, when did you decide wearing short shorts was the thing for you?!?

Taryn said...

you three are just the cutest! i wish i could run off to san diego for a weekend! i'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I was with you like all day yesterday and you didn't even say anything! That sounds so fun! Maybe that is what I need to do because if I ask Jason he always makes up excuses why we can't! That is awesome and Skye is a natural beach babe! So jealous!

Heidi said...

Fun stuff! I think I'm gonna hafta do it too soon!

The Garlock's said...

Looks like you had fun, glad to see you all fit in a car to make it there, lol. I'm still jealous of the board shorts you got that I wanted and I still need to go and get some!