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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lake Trip!!

We went to the lake yesterday and it was so much fun. I did go tubing but it seriously killed my stomach. Man, pregnancy and giving birth really does a number on your body! Skye did so good-she didn't cry once. She just kicked it in the boat looking around the whole time. If anyone's wondering--No we did not put her in the lake, she sat in the boat the whole time!

Jared and Skye--As you can see she doesn't like the sun

Jared, Tanner, and Adam tubing it up

Jared just got thrown off the tube

We love the Lake!!!

3 holla backs:

The Garlock's said...

Hooray for lake trips, we had a good time! glad to see you didn't put that one picture on here, lol.

Kasey said...



yowzers! You look great!