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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bad Mom?

Ok, so today Skye woke up from her nap crying which is pretty normal. So I changed her, fed her, and played with her- desperately trying to get her to smile but failing miserably! Anyway she falls back asleep so I put her in her crib and I go on about my day debating if I should clean my house. Like 15 min later Skye is crying hysterically so I pick her up and tried to get her back to sleep. Well she wasn't having it!!! She didn't want to be held, didn't want to be in her swing, didn't want to be in her crib. Skye just cried, cried, and cried some more. So not knowing what to do I did the only thing I could think of-- I put her in the crib, shut the door, turned on my ipod to very LOUD music and just let her cry!! I don't know if this was the best thing to do but she did cry herself to sleep about 20 min later. I'm sure there are better ways to handle this situation but I did what I had to do just to keep myself sane! So professional mommy's, what's the verdict---was this ok or did I just scar my kid for life??

9 holla backs:

Grami said...

Call me !!!

Anonymous said...

They say that by 6 weeks you can let them cry a little bit like that. At 6 weeks is when we started letting Jaxon cry himself to sleep at night and he learned really fast. I hated every minute of it but it helped him learn and now he does great but a lot of people don't like that strategy. So it is up to you, you know your baby the best so you get to make the decision! It sounds like she was able to calm herself down so I think you should feel ok about it!

Shawnda and Nathan Mills said...

Shawna!!! I'm so happy for you to be a mom! I just love it. How was your first mothers day? I went to Chaya's bridal shower and she said that you left like right before i got there, so i better see you at the reception. I wanna see your little girl!

Kasey said...

You did the only thing you could. Don't worry, all moms have done it a time or two. If they are full, burped, dry, rocked, loved, warm and they are still crying, it's totally okay. Babies are new at this whole being human thing and are trying to figure things out, like you are being a mom. She was most likely overly tired and didn't know what to do except cry. Been there, done that with both my kids and Keane. You were totally right doing that. Some moms beat their babies. They are idiots! It's better to let them cry it out. Eventually, as you figured out, they will go to sleep. One time Todd did that. I put him in his saucer and then all of a sudden I heard no more wailing. I went to check on him and he was sound asleep. Problem solved!

Pallets and Pearls said...

your not a bad mom at all...I agree that it is ok to let them cry to give you a break so you don't go crazy trying to figure out what they want. And if she falls asleep in that time, even better. :)


Damaged for life and Oprah bound. She will make millions on the tell all book. KIDDING

We all need a good cry now and again.

Debbie said...

I say----let her sleep with you ♥

Kasey said...

Yeah mom. Great idea! Cause that's so what you did!

Lacey T said...

I agree with Debbie. Both of my boys slept with me til atleast 6 mos and have NO problems. They sleep in their own beds just fine now. Every mother has her own way of working. Just research a little on how long you should let her cry (for her age) if you're trying that method.