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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bling Bling!!

So I took Skye to get her ears pierced on friday and I'm not gonna lie my heart was racing because I knew she was going to be in pain and it was my fault, but I sucked it up and did it because I knew she would be ok after awhile. Skye did so good, she only cried for honestly 15 seconds. Now she looks more like a girl!! I love her bling bling- they are so cute!

I tried to get a picture where you can see both her ears but
I couldn't get the right angle. But you get the idea.

You can kind of see her earrings in this one but I just really
liked this picture because she's smiling a little bit. Which by
the way she is smiling alot more now. It's so cute!

8 holla backs:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THEM! They make her look so dainty and pretty! I think earrings are a MUST for a little girl! Way to go for you cuz I know that had to be hard! She is so pretty!

Pallets and Pearls said...

So cute! I want to get Hallie's ears pierced too sometime. But I am the same way, I feel bad because I know it's going to hurt and it's my fault. Where did you go to get them done?

Kasey said...

Love baby bling! Oh-la-la!

Lacey T said...

FYI: Helzberg Diamonds sells baby jewelry. They have reasonably priced baby earrings (it's real jewelry, not Claire's stuff). Too bad I "retired", I could have bought them for way cheap! She looks very girly.

Debbie said...

Grandma says--YOU ARE MEAN!!

Kasey said...

Where did you think she got the idea Grandma?!?! You are mean first! Atleast Shawna was man enough, like her big sister, to do it herself. Unlike a certain mother I know.

Kasey said...

You have been tagged sister! 6 random facts about you. GO!

Pallets and Pearls said...

I love her little shorts in the picture on the side. SO CUTE!