So I took Skye to get her ears pierced on friday and I'm not gonna lie my heart was racing because I knew she was going to be in pain and it was my fault, but I sucked it up and did it because I knew she would be ok after awhile. Skye did so good, she only cried for honestly 15 seconds. Now she looks more like a girl!! I love her bling bling- they are so cute!
I couldn't get the right angle. But you get the idea.
You can kind of see her earrings in this one but I just really

liked this picture because she's smiling a little bit. Which by
the way she is smiling alot more now. It's so cute!
8 holla backs:
I LOVE THEM! They make her look so dainty and pretty! I think earrings are a MUST for a little girl! Way to go for you cuz I know that had to be hard! She is so pretty!
So cute! I want to get Hallie's ears pierced too sometime. But I am the same way, I feel bad because I know it's going to hurt and it's my fault. Where did you go to get them done?
Love baby bling! Oh-la-la!
FYI: Helzberg Diamonds sells baby jewelry. They have reasonably priced baby earrings (it's real jewelry, not Claire's stuff). Too bad I "retired", I could have bought them for way cheap! She looks very girly.
Grandma says--YOU ARE MEAN!!
Where did you think she got the idea Grandma?!?! You are mean first! Atleast Shawna was man enough, like her big sister, to do it herself. Unlike a certain mother I know.
You have been tagged sister! 6 random facts about you. GO!
I love her little shorts in the picture on the side. SO CUTE!
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