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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Skye ALWAYS has her arms above her head. We even have an ultrasound
of her arms above her head. I guess what they do in the womb they do out in
the world too.

Sweet Mullet, Skye!!

5 holla backs:

Kasey said...

She needs piggy tails!

Rachel Cunningham said...

Beautiful baby Shawna!

Pallets and Pearls said...

That's so funny, Hallie does the same thing. She always has her arms up by her head. I'm jealous you get to go to church next Sunday. I still have to stay home one more week..


Does the back of her neck smell good? Because it looks like it smells good.

Cajsa said...

Shawna!!!!!! Your a MOMMY!!!!! That is awesome! Congrats! she is ADORABLE!!!!!!