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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blessing Day!!

Today was Skye's baby blessing and I was so happy she did not cry in the middle of it. Seriously, the night before I was so nervous that she would cry during it and I wouldn't have listened to the blessing Jared was giving her. But she did so good and the blessing was beautiful.
Here's a couple of pictures of Skye in her blessing dress!

My pretty girl!! (who won't look at the camera-ever!)

Mommy, Daddy, and Skye

5 holla backs:

Pallets and Pearls said...

She looks so cute in her little blessing dress! I'm glad she didn't cry :)

Kasey said...

Kylee said she was a froggy like Skye today. I love her! And Skye too!

Rudd Family said...

Hey guys! We haven't seen you in forever. Skye is adorable.

Natalie said...

Congrats!! Skye is her mommy!!

Debbie said...

This is the stuff that makes life worth livin'!! ♥♥♥