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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What I've Learned!!

These are the things I've learned about my beautiful daughter so far:

- Skye WILL NOT drink out of the bottles with the plastic liners

- We started her on the Enfamil formula but after about a 1 1/2 weeks it was constipating her
so we had to switch to the Nestle Good Start formula aka (expensive formula) and let me tell
you... she has no constipation problems anymore!!

- She will fight me when I'm trying to feed her even if she's starving, she'll turn her head and
arch her back so it takes me 40 minutes to feed her

- She hates getting her diaper changed.... You would think she would be used to it by now I
change her like 8 times a day

- She also hates getting a bath, she cries hysterically. I swear people probably think I'm
abusing her

- The only time she cries is when I change her or bathe her, other than that she doesn't cry-
It's great!

- She loves to be in her swing, awake and sleeping

So these are the things I've learned about Skye so far. I can't wait to see more of her personality!

4 holla backs:

Debbie said...

I've learned that you are a good mama ♥♥♥


I've learned that you are so dang cute. The first few weeks are tuffies, and look at how superduper you are doing! Love it@

Kasey said...

I've learned that you still don't answer your phone Miss I'm a SAHM! Love you anyways sister!

Heidi said...

I've learned that you are already back to your pre-pregnancy weight and I say "U suck"!! :) U r one of those girls that I want to smack when I see you eating m&m's and soda and have never seen the inside of a gym, yet look awesome!! So not fair!! No, I'm not bitter!! Sounds like you are such a good little mom!!