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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Do You Say??

Ok peeps!!!  I guess my mother intuiton doesn't work because I said I felt she'll be here already but I guess the big man upstairs did not agree with this.  So, I had another dr. appt and I'm now dilated 3 cm and still 80% effaced.  More progress, Yay!  Anyway,  I would like everyone to guess when I'll have this baby and what you think she will weigh.  My due date is Feb. 19.  Thanks everyone, cant wait to see what you guys think!!

6 holla backs:

Cajsa said...

You are pretty far along for being at 37 weeks! Thats awesome! I hope it happens soon! Since you are already at a 3 I guess you will have her within the next 4 days! Good luck!!

Pallets and Pearls said...

I bet she will Friday sometime and weigh 7 lbs. 6 oz.

Debbie said...

I guess March 10 and weighing in at 10 pounds 10 ounces

Debbie said...


The White Way said...

What ever day she arrives it will be the perfect day, but I will guess February 16, 2010, 8 lbs,9 ozs that is what Jared weighed. If you would like to hold out until the 20th Adrianne would have a new best friend.

The Garlock's said...

So my original guess is now passed but I had a dream it was after valentines, so i'm gonna say this next tuesday, 7 lbs, 11 oz!