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Friday, January 22, 2010

Who Knows!?!

Well I had my Dr. appointment yesterday and I'm 1 cm and 80% effaced. A little progress!  Also, today I lost my mucas plug. TMI! Sorry about that!  Anyway, this baby is well on her way we just don't know exactly when.  My Dr. says she can come in 2 days or 2 weeks it just depends.  I kind of have a feeling she will be here some time late next week.  I guess we'll find out!  Watch, she'll actually wait to come until my due date.  Which is totally fine, I'm just getting really anxious to hold her and smell her!

3 holla backs:

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

Haha love that you told us about your mucus plug!! I've been in OB the last two weeks at the hospital and learned so much about having babies! I got to hold them all day and loved it!!

jake and jenni said... smell. Good luck. I am sure she will be here soon!

Brandi said...

no worries about the TMI! haha i am so excited for your little family!