So I go into Skye's room to get her up from her nap and this is how I found her...........

Then 2 second later she did this.......

I could not believe that my 6 month old was STANDING in her crib. She is just learning how to do the army crawl! So now I get to lower her mattress so she doesn't fall out. It really is crazy how one day they just pick up on something. Like she can now sit up by herself without my help when like last week she kept falling sideways. Also we just discovered that Skye's 2 bottom teeth are coming in. I thought they come in 1 tooth at a time?? Skye just needs to stop growing up for awhile! I don't think thats to much to ask!
6 holla backs:
It all goes faster from here!!! Ha ha Its a blast to watch them grow up but like everyone says it goes WAAAAAY to fast! I wish there was a way to slow it down if even for a bit!
Oh my goodness!! She's adorable! Too cute! She looks like her mom!
That is crazy she was standing up- she is too little for that! Now that she has done it once it won't take her long to figure the rest out! She is so cute. And yeah time goes too fast- I wish we could freeze time for a while but that doesn't work!
Look at her face! Love it! She so got caught. My kids climbed at 6 months. She is related to them ya know!
So cute. Watch out, pretty soon she will be dating. Seriously, time does fly way to fast.
Smart girl!!
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