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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Update---Yay!!

I'm a couple of weeks late on Skye's 6 month checkup because we switched to a new insurance and it took awhile to get our cards. Well we finally got our cards and took Skye to get her shots and her check-up done and here are the results...... Weight: 16 lbs 3 oz Length: 27 inches and her head is normal;) The doctor said that we have a tall child. Um..... me and Jared are not tall so I have no idea where she gets it from!! Ha so anyway, Skye no longer does the army crawl and full out does a REAL baby crawl. I usually put her in the living room but she then ends up in the kitchen, or the bathroom. Her 1 bottom tooth finally came in and it is freaken sharp. (I'm so glad I'm not breastfeeding--Ouch!) Her other bottom tooth is still trying to break through. We've been feeding her more fruits and vegetables-----we're still trying to find one she likes. Her hair is getting to the point where it just sticks straight up and it's so thin I can't do ANYTHING with it. I'm so thankful for headbands. That's it for now, I just want to thank everyone for your comments and help!!

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