As of Monday September 29, Jared and I decided to stop drinking soda! I know this comes as a shock for you all but we have a very good reason. No, it's not because we want to lose weight, or to be more healthy. We are giving it up because ITS SO FREAKEN EXPENSIVE!!!! Honestly, a 12 pack for $5.00 thats just plain wrong! So believe it or not peeps, I'm off of Dr. Pepper. This is a sad day!
8 years ago
4 holla backs:
You'll live! And there is nothing wrong with going off the sauce to be more healthy. That's a good thing you need. I'm 9 days clean baby!
LOL, good one!! Your blood is Dr. Pepper, you might need to go to detox or rehab to kick the habit and get it out of your system and you might have withdrawls! WARNING to everyone: Do NOT irritate Shawna while she is trying to kick this habit! j/k Good luck!
Withdrawl headaches are the wort!! I am trying to do th sme...keyword trying! Good for you though!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!
I love Dr. Pepper too, but I don't drink it that much to be addicted to it. haha, jk Shawna...good luck getting off it :)
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