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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now this is a Date!!

                                                My Sexy Man!

                                                Gettin ready to cruise

                                         See the rainbow? Taste the rainbow!

                                              Jordan and Me

                                          You know we are hard core

                                       Jared and Cody (Jared did not pee his pants, I swear! ;)

  Yesterday me, Jared and some friends of ours decided to go to the desert and ride our quads.  I was sooooo excited because last time we went riding I had to stay behind because I was 8 months pregnant.  So we left Skye with Grandma Garlock and went on our way and had such a good time.  I loved every minute of it!!

2 holla backs:

Kasey said...

For fun! We want to go next time
-k-. -k-.

The Garlock's said...

Looks like you had fun! But i'm sure Drew would beg to differ that you took "your quads" lol