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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cute Girl

"I'm a Rock Star!"

Gotta love the plumber crack

These are just some random pictures of my sweet baby girl. I swear she is gonna be crawling in no time, which I'm not ready for. My house is not baby proof at all.

4 holla backs:

Anonymous said...

Yah they get so fun when they crawl and start tearing your house apart! haha. She is so cute and I LOVE the plumber's crack! Their little booties are so cute! And I love your hair- really it fits your personality perfectly!

Debbie said...

Rock star in the house---cutest one around!!

Adrianne said...

Love the new pics of you and Skye. She is definetly pretty in pink!

Kurt & Shawn said...

Shawna, little Skye is coming along nicely. Love the cute pics! Hope you guys can come east next summer for the family reunion!!! Love you, favortie Auntie