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Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Tag

A- Attached or single? Attached and loving it
B- Best friend? Jared, hands down
C- Cake or Pie? Cake, pie is gross!!
D- Day of choice? Saturdays because Jared gets up with Skye so I can sleep in;)
E- Essential item? Cell phone
F- Favorite color? Turquoise
G- Gummy Bear or Worms? Bears
H- Hometown? Mesa
I- Indulgence? Unfortunetly Dr. Pepper, I'm so addicted
J- January of July? July, I hate being cold. I rather sweat
K- Kids? 1 precious baby girl
L- Life isn't complete without? $$$
M- Marriage date? June 9, 2006
N- Number of brothers and sister? 3 brother, 1 sister
O- Oranges or apples? oranges
P- Phobias? I'm soooo claustrophobic
Q- Quotes? Honestly I don't have a favorite
R- Reasons to smile? Ice cold Dr. Pepper, Jared and Skye
S- Season? Spring
T- Tag? Whoever is bored or needs a new post!
U- Unknown fact about me: I have an a anxiety disorder
V- Vegetables? Celery
W- Worst habit? Cracking my knuckles, neck, and back--people don't like it when I do it infront of them
X- Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y- Your favorite food? Mexican
Z- Zodiac sign? Aries

2 holla backs:

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Cajsa said...

I have to agree with you........Dr. Pepper is the best!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMM