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Monday, July 21, 2008

Partay at Mi Amigos!!

We had a surprise birthday party for my mom at the ever so delicious Mi Amigos and it was so much fun. Happy Birthday Mom!! You are the hottest 50 yr old! Ow Ow ;) Here are some random pictures at the party.

Mom, Me, Skye, and Kasey

My cousin Krysta and Me

Jared and Super Baby Skye

Tiffany and Me

It was way past her bedtime!!!

4 holla backs:

The Garlock's said...

Glad to see you updated! I'm suprised that she was surprised and didn't figure it out with all of our slip ups. Good times!

Debbie said...

The funnest party ever----you girls are all the BEST--and I love you all ♥♥♥


What good daughters. I hope Skye was learning from you.

Unknown said...

Umm love your blog!! Love you!!