I had a couple of people tell me to put her in the bumbo to see if she can sit in it yet. So I tried it and she loves it. Skye loves to sit up so this bumbo fits her needs perfectly. Oh ya---don't you love her chunky legs?? She has a little head, little arms, but chubby legs--It cracks me up!
8 years ago
8 holla backs:
Pretty big girl~ ~ ~ I love that Skye!! And her crazy mama~~
hey girl its joanna again...i was checkin out your blog and saw those pics of skye's room, and that baby shower gift my mom gave you totally doesn't match it at all! I just assumed pink ya know! if you still have it, I'll totally swap it out and make you a new one that actually matches! hit me up if you wanna do that...
The chubby legs are the best part!! She is soo cute good job!!!
oh yea, that's totally cool! i'm glad it matched her daughters room then..i was just thinkin that would suck if you just had to put it in a closet or something. but yea, i would totally make you a new one..i'll do it for just cost too since it was a gift anyway! you can email me off my shabby blog and let me know what your idea is that you want...colors,quote, or if you don't know, i'll give you some ideas.
Oh, da cute baby Bumbo girl! Love her!
It gest so much easier once they can sit up- they are so much happier! Especially since that is all she wants to do anyways! haha. She is getting so big so fast! And yes I LOVE her chunky legs- chunky babies are the best! Too cute!
Yep---still cute!!
i love chubby babies.. she barely qualifies :D
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