First off-- Happy Anniversary to Us!! 4 years and still going strong!
I'm not gonna be lame and say how much I love Jared and what I love about him. I'm just gonna tell you a few things that I've learned about Jared through the years.
#1. He has to wash his feet before he goes to bed...even after he already took a shower that night.
#2. Jared smells anything and everything!
#3. He can see a movie once and can quote every single funny line in that movie.
#4. He is probably the nicest guy in the world and will do anything for anyone.
#5. Loves Transformers... Not because of Megan Fox, but because of the awesome cars!
Happy Anniversary Baby!! Beijos!!
"Mom, get that camera outta my face!"
This dude right here aka my little bro got his mission call and is going to the Ukraine-- Russian speaking! He leaves July 28th. I'm so excited for him! Love you Bubbs!
This girl cracks me up on a daily basis!
3 holla backs:
First off, seriously four years! awesome. times flies.
just yesterday you were a crazy mia maid making me laugh. awwwww!
Second, you have some gorgeous little girlies! fo sure.
I'd be lyin if I said that picture of Bree didn't scare me. Ps no I don't have a blog so don't get all excited. Well, I don't have a blog YET. I will someday soon. I just have a Google account for now haha. KbyeloveyouShawna.
This is Alex by the way. Your favorite cousin Alex.
You all crack me up on a daily basis! And.....Alex....I expect comments on my bloggety blog, too! I am you favorite aunt you know.
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