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Monday, October 26, 2009

Fun at the Park

We got to go to Freestone Park to celebrate my brother-n-laws 9th birthday.  Yes, I have a brother-n-law who is 9!  Anyway, Skye hung out with her cousins, went on her first carousal/train ride, and went fishing.  When it was time to leave I swear she acted like I was beating her or something.  She was crying, kicking, and biting me. 

All the cousins- Christopher, Skye, Luke, Abbie, & Maddie

Prego Me and Skye who had me in a headlock the whole ride!

Mmmmm, Watermelon!

First time fishing

Skye's first fish

G-Ma White taking her on her first train ride.  Skye is so ready!

It was a great day at the park.

4 holla backs:

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

You guys look so cute!!

Kasey said...

Love her piggies! What a good mama you are. I taught you well. ;)

Debbie said...

Love it all ♥♥♥

Pallets and Pearls said...

How fun! She looks so cute in her little pig tails!