I just want to say thank you to my mom, Drew, Tiffany, and Kasey for changing my mind about Mexico and making me go. I can't believe I almost missed this amazing trip all because my kid can't walk. She was the perfect beach baby. Skye loved the sand, the water, and the seashells. She even slept all through the night in a tent! I'm so excited for the next trip!
Seashell, seashell, by the sea shore!
4 holla backs:
We're glad you went too! It was fun and she was so good!
Um Ya----Skye is not the whiner in the family-----
So fun!! You guys always do such fun stuff with her.. And I love the pictures from her birthday! Happy Birthday Skye!
Haha, I loved that you showed Skye the video of Hallie walking. Hopefully she listened to your pep talk and will start walking soon. Haha. When school is over we are going to get together so they can play! :)
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