proud of herself--Can't you tell!?!
Update on Skye's kidneys: We went to the hospital where they did a kidney ultrasound and a VCUG. These 2 things help figure out what her bladder and kidney are doing basically. After 4 very long hours they told me that she has a kidney reflux which means her urine is backing up into both of her kidneys. This causes bacteria which turns into kidney infections. They sent her paper work to her doctor, who called me a couple of days later saying that she has a level 3 reflux. (Out of 5) Since it's more in the middle we have to go see a Urologist to see if she has to get surgery or not. As of right now, Skye is on antibiotics to fight the bacteria that is constantly going into her kidneys from her urine. They said if she doesn't need surgery than she will be on this antibiotic until she grows out of it, which won't be until she's around 4 yrs. old. Ya, Skye will be on antibiotics everyday for at least 3 years! If she does not take antibiotics or have surgery she will get multiple kidney infections from now until 4 yrs. old. From these kidney infections Skye will have a very high rish of kidney failure by the age of 5. Um, ya, I just learned all of this today! I feel soooo bad for Skye. She's so happy and looks normal on the outside but she is constantly fighting bacteria thats ruining her kidneys in the inside. I'm trying not to think of Skye not being able to have a normal life with kidney failure at 5 yrs. old. I do not want Skye to have to go through this, but I know everything will be fine. I keep telling myself that it could be way, way, worse and be grateful that she doesn't have a life threatning disease. Anyway, I'll know more after we see the Urologist and hopefully they can help my baby girl!
5 holla backs:
I'm sure it'll all work out. Like they said, she should gorw out of it. BTW, TP is yummy!
Dr. Pepper is A LOT better than anything they will ever drink! ha ha Hope everything works out ok! Its hard to watch your kids get sick let alone something like that! She is one adorable girl though!
Oh I you got one tough little girl there! She is so cute! Hope everything goes well!!
so sad! I'm sorry...That would be really rough to see your daughter go through that. We'll pray for her. What kind of surgery would they do? Hopefully she grows out of it...That is rought...She is a darling girl!
Poor girl! I am sure it will all work out, but it might just be a long road getting there! Good luck with that and at least she is so happy despite what's going on inside of her! And how cute is she knowing she got into trouble! That is the best and there is no way to get mad at what they did! haha. She is too cute!
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