Skye here--- Yesterday was my 10 month mark and my mom got a little teary eyed about me turning 1 in a couple of months. It's okay mom I'm still your baby girl! My mom tells me that she never used to be this emotional until she had me. Ya, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, I have 2 bottom teeth and my top ones are coming in, so watch where you're putting your fingers! I can stand all by myself with no help from the wall, couch, toys, etc. for about 5 seconds and then decide I rather sit and crawl around. I'm feeling much better from my kidney infection but I have to go in on Feb 11 to get an ultrasound on my kidneys just to make sure everything is 100%. One last thing... Mom, I'm sorry for almost swallowing a nail today. I will never do it again!! I hope everyone has fun watching the Super Bowl. GO CARDINALS!!

2 holla backs:
Yeah, you totally should not update your blog while you are suppossed to be at church. Geez!
Skye-neness! Don't eat nails. It will hurt when you poop! Geesh!
She is one of the cutest almost 1 year olds I know!
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