Just a quick update on my sick girl. We got her fever down to 99.3 which is better than 101 but I would like it at 98. She still has a big canker sore on her tongue and it has spread all around the outside of her mouth. Those suckers spread fast. Honestly is was the next morning that she got a big canker sore right on her upper lip and 2 on her chin. I feel so bad for her. I'm a little nervous about this because we're going to Mexico tomorrow and camping on the beach. So no urgent care, doctors, and hospitals. Seriously out of all the weeks she could have got sick, she gets sick the week we go on vacation! Come on! Anyway, we asked the doctor if it was okay to go and he said that canker sore's are a virus and she has to get rid of it herself... so basically no medicine to get rid of it, just stuff to numb it so she can eat. He told us to also take tylenol to keep her fever down and to keep her hydrated. If we do this Skye should be fine. So I'm crossing my fingers and praying that Skye will feel ok and that her canker sores won't spread even more or hurt her.
8 years ago
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