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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary!! (2 days ago)

On June 9, Jared and I have been married exactly 2 years. Whoo hoo!! Jared took the day off so he could take me to the movies and to dinner. He even made me breakfast in bed. Well sort of. He just went to Dunkin Donuts and put it on a plate with some orange juice because he knows I'm not a breakfast person and don't like alot of things. He knows me so well!! It was really sweet!! So thank you baby for the last 2 years and I can't wait for the next 60 anniversaries!! I love you!!

3 holla backs:

Kasey said...

Wow baby girl. 60 more?!?! Glad you had fun and you like J-Red that much. He's a goodie for sure!

Debbie said...

Fun day---and you two make cute babies.

Heidi said...

how do u eat donuts for breakfast & still look like that.. girls like u just need their butts kicked!